Sunday, March 18, 2012

Andra-Iulia Ursa - HALLOWEEN 2011

scoala "Mihai Eminescu"-Ighiu, clasele III-VIII

We all know that HALLOWEEN  is a very appreciated holiday abroad and lately in our country as well. In order to arouse the interest of my students for this celebration, I organized a Halloween day. 

You can see how satisfied I was when I saw what my little ones had organized for this day.

The costume competition was gained by all of them, but in this picture you can see one of the most fascinating team: Dracula, his wife and the horrendous butcher.

For my youngest students I organized a face painting workshop where little vampires fought  against a bunny, two pussycats and one butterfly.

This is one of my students working with great energy to decorate the classroom.

These are her colleagues trying to get into their roles.

The final result - a graveyard

We shouldn't forget about the real signification of Halloween which refers to the preparation for the cold winter months ahead.

Of course, the famous Jack o' Lantern couldn't have missed such an event.

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